By David Geffner
By Bob Fisher
FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS, DP Patrick Alexander Stewart
By Elina Shatkin
by Steven Poster, ASC
CREW VIEW, 1st Assistant Tim Arasheben
By Bonnie Goldberg

TIPS & TOOLS, By Bonnie Goldberg
By Bill Hines and Jack Messitt, SOC
CLIP ART, Carravagio
DP Vittorio Storaro, ASC, AIC
By Robert Allen
By Bob Fisher
Compiled by Pauline Rogers



No, this is not a heavy-handed public service announcement about the dangers of drinking and shooting. In this issue, we’ll talk about those of our fellow crafts-persons who have gone before us whose work and lives have influenced us. You will read of the events and relationships that have shaped the artistry and careers of six of our colleagues.

One of the important distinctions of our position as a craft guild is the element of knowledge and pride in our craft that we have in common. Part of that, too, is the tradition of learning our craft from those who have gone before us and passing that knowledge, and the knowledge that we have added in our own work experience, on to those who will come after us.

So we will talk this month about influence of the very best kind—the passing along of our knowledge and experience to future generations. I hope that all of us have had that precious experience of being guided in our craft and career by a mentor. I was particularly blessed to have the opportunity to work with Vilmos Zsigmond, ASC, as his second unit director of photography on three films. From him I learned not only to instill every shot with an inner beauty that served the story, I also learned how to move forward under sometimes difficult circumstances with grace and courtesy, always showing appreciation for the contributions of the crew while bringing to the screen the artistic vision of the director.

The gift of time and attention given freely by someone we respect can often change our entire life, giving us new confidence and fueling our passion to excel. So often, too, the giver of that priceless gift has no idea of the effect of their kindness. I am always struck by the offhand generosity of many of those who excel in this craft. I am sure that, to this day, Vilmos does not truly know the extent to which he influenced me, and changed my life.

It seems fitting then, that there is one news item of such importance that I must address. As we were preparing this issue, we learned that one of our members, whose generosity of spirit has always influenced me, and countless others, had passed. Our beloved Laszlo Kovacs, ASC was taken from us on July 22nd. Bob Fisher has written a tribute to be included in this edition, but I would be remiss if I did not take a moment for a personal remembrance.

Laszlo exemplified the very best of what I tried to describe at the beginning of this column. He loved what we do with a passion and had an enthusiasm that showed in every frame of every film he shot. He also loved to convey that passion and enthusiasm to his colleagues and his colleagues-to-be. He was always willing and eager to do anything that we asked him to do in order to promote our craft. He was a regular presenter at our Lighting Workshops, he showed up to hand out plaques to emerging cinematographers, and he gave unstintingly of his time, his creativity and his unique genius to those who would hope to follow in his footsteps.

The influence of those, like Laszlo, who give of them, does not pass when they do. It lives on in future generations. In this edition we honor those under whose influence we have learned and grown.

In Solidarity,
Steven Poster, ASC
National President
International Cinematographers Guild
Local 600