FEATURES THE WOLFMAN DP Shelly Johnson, ASC By Matt Hurwitz TEMPLE GRANDIN DP Ivan Strasburg, BSC By Bob Fisher DP – DIT PARTNERSHIP By Pauline Rogers NEWS SHOOTERS By Margot Carmichael Lester AWARDS SEASON: GOVERNORS & ASC By Bob Fisher...
If there is one person in Hollywood worthy of laying claim to the crown worn by Jack P. Pierce – Universal Studios’ makeup genius of the 1930s and ‘40s (Frankenstein, The Mummy, The Wolf Man) – it is Rick Baker....
We titled this web exclusive 600 at Sundance not for the obvious reason, but more because ICG’s massive presence (at the world’s preeminent party celebrating filmmaking of independent vision and spirit) feels like an army descending upon Park City’s snow-bound...
FEATURES THE BOOK OF ELI DP Don Burgess, ASC By Margot Carmichael Lester THE SPY NEXT DOOR DP Dean Cundey, ASC By Robert Allen MODERN FAMILY DP James Bagdonas, ASC By Jon Silberg iPHONE APPS FOR CINEMATOGRAPHY By Andrew Takeuchi...
Don Burgess, ASC and the brothers Hughes whip up a storm in the high New Mexico desert for The Book of Eli. By Margot Carmichael Lester Filmmaking twins Albert and Allen Hughes don’t make a lot of movies – four...
Between his earliest low-budget films and later studio-sponsored efforts, New Zealand-born filmmaker Peter Jackson has blended inventive visual effects (sometimes hilariously over-the-top in nature) and photographic sleight of hand to portray apparitions, both ghastly and ghostly. These treatments have varied...