FEATURES ROBIN HOOD DP John Mathieson, BSC By Bob Fisher SEX AND THE CITY 2 DP John Thomas By Ryan Stewart LED ROUND-UP By Pauline Rogers GAFFERS’ FAVORITE TOOLS By Pauline Rogers FASTFORWARD DP Jeff Jur, ASC and Nelson Cragg...
Shawn Levy, a product of Yale’s drama department and USC’s graduate film program, paid his dues doing one-off acting jobs on many hit TV shows from the late 1980s. And he says acting roles on shows like thirtysomething, 21 Jump...
FEATURES DATE NIGHT DP Dean Semler, ASC, ACS By Jon Silberg WHITE COLLAR DP Russell Fine By Ryan Stewart SUNDANCE 2010 By David Geffner SUNDANCE: FIRST TRACKS By David Geffner PALM SPRINGS PHOTO FESTIVAL By Andrew Takeuchi PREVIS By Kevin...
Although producer Jon Landau was born into the Hollywood industry, serendipity still played a role in his career. As COO of James Cameron’s production company Lightstorm Entertainment, Landau produced both Avatar and Titanic. His early career, however, didn’t seem headed...
Roger Deakins, ASC, BSC use live-action cinematography techniques to help tame DreamWorks new 3D animated feature How To Train Your Dragon By Debra Kaufman...
FEATURES ALICE IN WONDERLAND 3D DP Dariusz Wolski, ASC By Debra Kaufman HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON DP Roger Deakins, ASC By Debra Kaufman PIRANHA 3-D DP John Leonetti, ASC By Bob Fisher NAB PREVIEW By Pauline Rogers 2010 CES...