Sporting a distinctive visual aesthetic established by Guild Director of Photography Jay Hunter, NBC’s American Auto roars off in high gear for Season 2. by Kevin Martin / Photos by Greg Gayne/NBC Showrunner /EP/Writer Justin Spitzer developed the initial...
Park City’s indie playground welcomes Local 600 members (and ICG Magazine staffers!) in person for the first time in three years. by David Geffner / Photos Courtesy of Sundance Institute Unless Otherwise Noted The last two years of the...
Kramer Morgenthau, ASC, fulfills a career highlight with the musical holiday romp, Spirited. by Pauline Rogers / Photos by Claire Folger / Apple TV + Every year a pack of new winter-holiday movies arrives, many reimagining that time-honored Dickens...
Guild Lighting Designer Tom Sutherland on crafting the look for Nicki Minaj’s 2022 VMA performance. by Pauline Rogers / Photos Courtesy of MTV/Paramount Global It’s a 10-minute television extravaganza highlighting MTV’s Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award winner Nicki Minaj,...
Sitcom specialists talk about how much the genre has changed in recent years. by Pauline Rogers When Donald A. Morgan, ASC, first started to shoot sitcoms at Metromedia (Good Times and The Jeffersons), they were stage-bound with old Norelco...
With COVID (hopefully) in the rear-view mirror, the only awards event devoted to new cinematographers returns to an in-person gathering. by Margot Lester / Framegrabs Courtesy of Local 600 members/ECAs It’s been a minute since ICG’s annual Emerging Cinematographer...
Andrew Dominik waited 14 years to get Blonde made; his new Netflix feature, shot by Chayse Irvin ASC, CSC, renders Hollywood’s most famous starlet from the inside out. by Valentina Valentini / Photos by Matt Kennedy, SMPSP / Netflix...