Suffering from edge mismatch or partial reverse stereo? Seeing indications of hyperconvergence or hyperdivergence? If so, you’ve experienced one or more of the 15 key issues – some taking place during shooting, others occurring in post – that can be...
Visual effects supervisor Greg McMurry’s career actually began some 30 years ago, trying to salvage an epic case of VFX mis-management on 1979’s Star Trek: The Motion Picture. In the employ of effects maestro Douglas Trumbull, McMurry helped to devise...
The 48th Annual Publicists Guild Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. By Pauline Rogers. Photos courtesy of Mathew Imaging. Despite the usual L.A. gridlock, made even more difficult because of this winter’s almost unending rain, The Beverly Hilton Hotel was...
French-born Michel Gondry started his career making music videos for his own band, Oui, Oui. When his work caught the eye of Finnish pop star Bjork, the pair’s collaboration jump-started the director’s unique and unparalleled efforts in the world of...
MARS NEEDS MOMS DP Robert Presley By Kevin H. Martin SNEAK PREVIEW: PIRATES IV DP Dariusz Wolski, ASC By Pauline Rogers 3D A-Z By Debra Kaufman, Carolyn Giardina & Pauline Rogers NICHE 3D By Pauline Rogers UNITY SERIES PART II:...
Exploring the craft every other production department relies on. By Pauline Rogers. To kick off our first in a five-part series on IATSE crafts, we asked grips across the country not only to define their jobs but to reveal how...
Darren Aronofsky is a confirmed New Yorker. Born in Brooklyn to parents who were both teachers, he was trained as a research biologist with The School for Field Studies at a ranch in Kenya and Prince William Sound, Alaska. When...
If you think you know filmmaker Davis Guggenheim by his many episodic TV credits or iconic last name, you’ve missed most of his story. Raised on social justice documentaries by his father, Charles Guggenheim, whose first Oscar-winning film, Nine From...