THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO DP Jeff Cronenweth, ASC by Chris Wolski WAR HORSE DP Janusz Kaminski by David Heuring GENERATION NEXT by Margot Carmichael Lester PO AND THE GRASSHOPPER by Pauline Rogers SCHOOL DAZE by Pauline Rogers EXPOSURE:...
Over the course of winning four Oscars, director/producer/actor Clint Eastwood has built a wide-ranging resume – everything from comedies, thrillers and those famously iconic Westerns, to complex and sophisticated adult dramas. A consummate craftsman, whose career stretches all the way...
J. EDGAR DP Tom Stern, ASC, AFC by Ted Elrick FIVE DP Christopher Popp by Pauline Rogers GEORGE HARRISON: LIVING IN THE MATERIAL WORLD by Matt Hurwitz GREAT UNION LOCATIONS by Pauline Rogers DREAMS FULFILLED Photos by Richard Ducree EXPOSURE:...
REAL STEEL DP Mauro Fiore, ASC by Kevin Martin IDES OF MARCH DP Phedon Papamichael, ASC by David Heuring THREE MUSKETEERS DP Glen MacPherson, ASC by Pauline Rogers TEEN SPIRIT WORKFLOW by Pauline Rogers POST HOUSE ROUND UP by Chris...
This year’s Shooting Gallery spread is comprised of images we call “lost and found.” They are moments from real life, snatched by the watchful eyes of Local 600 Unit Stills members from film, television sets, and live events, after the...
Elephants never forget, and, apparently, the same can be said for the elite tier of TV producer/directors. Case in point is Tommy Schlamme, who while visiting New York City as a youngster, was struck by the 40-foot Kodak Colorama decorating...
Holy Light Meter, Robin! Hollywood’s premier event for new cinematographic talent turns 15 with its biggest celebration yet. By David Heuring. The ICG Emerging Cinematographers Awards are celebrating their 15th year. Dreamt up by former Guild president George Spiro Dibie,...