MONSTER 3D GEAR GUIDE JOHN CARTER DP Dan Mindel, ASC, BSC by David Huering GAME, SET, MATCH! by Pauline Rogers BRAVE NEW WORLDS by Kevin H. Martin 600 VOICES SERIES PART 3 by Pauline Rogers EXPOSURE: Andrew Stanton FLASH FRAME:...
BIG MIRACLE DP John Bailey, ASC by Bob Fisher HOMELAND DP Nelson Cragg by Matt Hurwitz ASC AWARDS by Bob Fisher & David Heuring FAMILY AFFAIR by Pauline Rogers 600 VOICES SERIES PART 2 by Pauline Rogers EXPOSURE: Howard Gordon...
With this, his 22nd film festival, no one (save for founder Robert Redford) has been more intrinsically bound to Sundance than John Cooper. His tenure actually pre-dates Sex, Lies and Videotape, often cited as the turning point in Sundance’s now...
EXTREMELY LOUD AND INCREDIBLY CLOSE DP Chris Menges, ASC, BSC by Joseph Donovan JOYFUL NOISE DP David Boyd, ASC by Ted Elrick ARE WE THERE YET? DP Bill Berner by Pauline Rogers DSLR TRENCH TALES by Matthew Irving INDIE HORROR...
It’s not like screenwriter Steven Zaillian hasn’t plumbed the darkness in the human heart before he adapted David Fincher’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, based on the first novel in Steig Larsson’s worldwide bestselling trilogy, Millennium. Zaillian’s sublime script...