Taiwanese director Ang Lee has amassed a diverse array of Western film credits. Everything from the Jane Austen classic Sense and Sensibility to an unflinching look at American social mores in The Ice Storm. Lee’s arty take on the martial...
LINCOLN DP Janusz Kaminski by David Heuring LIFE OF PI DP Claudio Miranda, ASC by Keving H. Martin A WALK IN THE PARK by David Geffner NEW YORK STORIES WHAT WOULD SANDY DO? by Bob Fisher FLASH FRAME: Charlie Libin...
Writer/director Rian Johnson’s newest film, Looper, was one of the most talked-about fall releases before summer even began. Now that’s it out, critics say it looks, sounds, and feels like nothing Hollywood’s ever produced in the notoriously dead-brained sci-fi genre....
Viewers of The Hurt Locker probably had no idea of the contributions made in post to the final look of the six-time Oscar-winning film. Subtle touches in digital grading, like the saturation of the red wires in the bombs and...
END OF WATCH DP Roman Vasyanov by David Geffner FRANKENWEENIE DP Peter Sorg by Kevin H. Martin MOVING THE PIPELINE by Pauline Rogers SAFE DEPOSITS by Kevin H. Martin COLOR ME MINE by Pauline Rogers FLASH FRAME: DIT Ben Cain...
CHICAGO FIRE DP Lisa Wiegand by Ted Elrick NASHVILLE DP Rodney Charters, ASC by Pauline Rogers LAST RESORT DP Rohn Schmidt by Ted Elrick ECA 2012 by David Heuring & Beige Luciano-Adams REPLAY: Elementary EXPOSURE: Martin Campbell GEAR GUIDE: Pilot...