HER DP Hoyte van Hoytema, NSC, FSF by David Geffner THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY DP Stuart Dryburgh, ASC by Pauline Rogers LABOR DAY DP Eric Steelberg, ASC by Ted Elrick GEAR GUIDE FLASH FRAME: Kevin Akers ON LOCATION:...
Anyone who’s ever seen a Spike Jonze movie – Where the Wild Things Are, Adaptation, and Being John Malkovich among them – knows how difficult they are to categorize. They come along every five or six years and crash-land, like...
INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS DP Bruno Delbonnel, ASC, AFC by David Geffner AMERICAN HUSTLE DP Linus Sandgren, FSF by David Heuring SAVING MR. BANKS DP John Schwartzman, ASC by Matt Hurwitz GEAR GUIDE EXPOSURE: The Coen Brothers DEPTH OF FIELD: Health...
It’s hard to believe it’s been 30 years since Blood Simple, the ferociously compelling debut from Joel and Ethan Coen, thrilled audiences at a little film festival called Sundance. In the ensuing three decades, the brothers have more than lived...
NEBRASKA DP Phedon Papamichael, ASC by David Heuring THE WOLF OF WALL STREET DP Rodrigo Prieto, ASC, AMC by Ted Elrick KILLING KENNEDY DP Barry Ackroyd, BSC by David Geffner GEAR GUIDE: Non-Fiction BOOK REVIEW EXPOSURE: Alexander Payne DEPTH OF...
Producer/director/writer Alexander Payne grew up in Omaha, Nebraska in a family of restaurateurs. He was fascinated by cameras at an early age, but his parents’ preference for a law degree put filmmaking aside until after he had earned a degree...