After attending art college, a 19-year-old Sammy Sheldon Differ found herself unable to enroll in a degree program. So she joined the Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester, UK, in the costuming department, starting what amounted to a four-year hands-on apprenticeship...
Russell Carpenter, ASC, joins the Marvel “colony” for its latest page-to-screen hero, the mighty, tiny Ant–Man Concluding Phase Two of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) rollout, Ant-Man travels a road not taken, and a hero not even visible to the...
Dueling panels at this year’s Sundance Film Festival reflect sky-high interest from indies in new aerial format. By Valentina I. Valentini. A visit to Park City this year left no doubt in anyone’s mind that the next generation of filmmakers will...
Jurassic World producer Patrick Crowley comes from a heritage of moving camera – his grandfather, Walter Rubner, worked both as Alfred Hitchcock’s dolly grip and Orson Welles’ crane grip. Through the 1980s, Crowley worked as 1st Assistant Director on such...
John Schwartzman, ASC, returns to paradise (run amok) with the fourth installment of Steven Spielberg’s epic action franchise More than two decades ago, Steven Spielberg introduced filmgoers to living, breathing photo-realistic dinosaurs in his landmark roller-coaster action ride, Jurassic Park....
Claudio Miranda, ASC, takes the (theme park) ride of his life for Disney’s new family adventure, Tomorrowland For more than half a century, the name Walt Disney has been synonymous not only with feature films and animation, but with theme...
Like many of his generation, Ross Dunkerley’s interest in film began with Star Wars and George Lucas’s ability to pull back the curtain on the filmmaking process. Camera operating for local television studios in high school taught Dunkerley the basics...
left to right On couch Unknown Stand in J. Renee Thompson stand in Alex Hooper. B cam 2nd AC On floor Justin Warren DIT Michael Negrin, ASC DP Agnes Rodriguez-Sebek A cam 2nd AC Standing in Back Bonnie Blake, SOC...
Many are calling HPA 2015 the best ever, with even more growth on the horizon. By Debra Kaufman. All Photos Courtesy of Hollywood Post Alliance. While NAB, CES, and CineGear draw more overall eyeballs each year, it’s the HPA (Hollywood Post Alliance)...
Bottom Row from left to right Ruben Avendano – C-Cam Gretchen Warthen – B-Cam Stephen Coleman – A-Cam Top Row from left to right Joe Solar C-Cam – 1st AC Dan Zimbald – DIT Aaron Tichenor – 2nd AC Peter...
Amazon’s Golden Globe–winning streaming series, Transparent, has changed the face of television When NetFlix’s original streaming series, House of Cards, received 23 Primetime Emmy nominations in its first two seasons (2013/2014), Hollywood experienced a seismic shift in the future of...
HBO’s Game of Thrones demands (and delivers) VFX spectacle beyond other small-screen fare A Song of Ice and Fire is the title of novelist George R. R. Martin’s series of runaway successes in fantasy fiction, one that for many seems...