Kira Kelly finds “the pure truth” at the dancing heart of Hulu’s hit teen series, East Los High High school is a rich setting for onscreen drama: jocks, nerds, misfits, outcasts and prom queens, fistfights, despair, passions, and a longing...
John Schwartzman, ASC, captures Michael Keaton’s “supersized” performance in the story of McDonalds’ founding. While heading home one night from San Bernardino to Illinois, Ray Kroc (Michael Keaton) makes a fateful decision. He pulls off to the side of a...
L to R Nino Pansini Bob Settlemire Chris Duskin Lou DeMarco Maurice Mcguire Matt Fortlage John Elingwood Dale Myrand Colleen Mleziva Brendan Russell Jerry Patton Greg Luntzel Terry Wolcott Greg Dellerson Travis Cleary Michael Luntzel Sarah Wright Jacques Haitkin-DP Karim...
Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart spell comedic double trouble for Guild DP Barry Peterson in the new Warner Bros. buddy flick, Central Intelligence The classic buddy cop movie typically involves two guys (updated in recent years with female leads) of...
A Single Frame. By Pauline Rogers. All Images from A Single Frame / Courtesy of SMPSP. Main Image: Colin Firth during a break while shooting The Single Man in South Pasadena, CA (2009) / Photo by Melissa Moseley. It’s their third book and it’s big,...
From left to right B Camera 2nd AC: James Schlittenhart, DIT: Dan Brosnan, Digital Loader: Samantha Panger, B Camera Operator: Al Pierce, SOC, DP: Crescenzo Notarile, ASC, AIC, B Camera 1st AC: George Tur, A Cam Op / Steadica, Operator: ...
DPs Stephen St. John and Feliks Parnell recreate the lighting look of a Civil War hospital for PBS’s first dramatic series A nurse enters a ward in the former Mansion House Hotel – now commandeered as a Union Army hospital...
The new indie feature, A Light Beneath Their Feet, focuses a warm, bright beam on mental illness and a family struggling for balance. By Pauline Rogers. All Photos courtesy of Emerging Pictures. Responsibility. It’s one of the weightiest words in the English...
L to R top row- Keith Putnam – DIT, Maria Gonzales – B 2nd AC, Wes Battle – B Dolly Grip, Mark Catania – A Dolly Grip row below that- Autumn Moran – loader, Jake Stahlman – A 2nd AC,...
Actor/Director Jon Favreau loves movie magic, and he loves creating it. Whether it’s flying Robert Downey, Jr. around in his high-tech suit of iron in 2008’s Marvel blockbuster, Iron Man, and its 2010 sequel, or pitting Old West cowboys against...
Avatar meets Rudyard Kipling as Bill Pope, ASC, takes a romp through the high-tech jungle in the classic children’s tale When cinematographer Bill Pope, ASC, first met with Jon Favreau to discuss the filmmaker’s latest project for Disney, a new...
Claudio Miranda, ASC, exploits real-world locales for Destiny’s planet-hopping video-game series When a trio of tough-talking, space suited soldiers turn up armed and dangerous on three neighboring planets in rapid succession, it doesn’t take a big leap of imagination to...