Ben Davis, BSC, helps debut a pre-Avengers super-heroine as Captain Marvel takes flight Early press for Captain Marvel included a remark from Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige indicating that the film’s titular character (played by Brie Larson) is the most powerful hero in...
Black-themed films vault to the head of the story-telling pack at Sundance 2019, aided by the participation of Local 600 members on more than five-dozen features, shorts, and indie episodic projects. Richard Wright, Toni Morrison, Arthur Ashe, and Alfre...
And a whole bunch of Emmys, too! The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel begins Season 2 as one of the most critically touted shows in TV history thanks to a tight creative team that values union labor. Regardless of whether you watch...
Enrique Chediak, ASC, buzzes the Transformers in a new direction with this girl-meets-bot story The Transformers universe was a multi-media bonanza long before the first live-action feature hit theaters in 2007. Hasbro launched a toy line featuring the Cybertronians in 1984, with...
Guild reality members score a TKO for teamwork and creativity – in and out of the ring. The Contender, re-booted for its fifth season (on its fourth network, EPIX) is not your typical “15 minutes of fame” reality show. When...
Zoran Veselic left us this summer, but anyone who ever worked with or met him will carry deep and wonderful memories forever forward. by Pauline Rogers “In 1983, when I landed in New York with two small suitcases,...
Matthew Libatique, ASC, tunes up another great musical drama, with Bradley Cooper’s A Star Is Born. At the Stagecoach Festival in Palm Springs last year, as the changeover was being made from Tommy James to Willie Nelson, Hollywood star...