
Circling The Waters

How one of TV's most iconic unscripted franchises safely returned to production amidst an ongoing pandemic. by Pauline Rogers /…

4 years ago

Deep Dive #3 | American Ninja Warrior

On Thursday, Nov. 12, Local 600/ICG Magazine’s "Deep Dive" series jumped into the world of unscripted programming with NBC’s acclaimed…

4 years ago

She’s Back…

The demigoddess from Themyscira, who broke box office records (and the gender ceiling for superhero movies) soars back onto movie…

4 years ago

Hidden Nation

A quartet of Local 600 cinematographers ease Season 1 of Apple TV+’s terrific anthology series, Little America, across physical, emotional,…

4 years ago

Star Trek: Then and Now

A half-century has passed since the starship Enterprise launched a technological revolution in series TV that's continued with each new addition…

4 years ago

Power Play

Katori Hall's new STARZ series, based on her empowerment of Black women in the Delta, reinvents film noir for a…

5 years ago

Devil In The Details

Season 3 of Netflix’s rural family drug saga, Ozark, hits new visual highs (and dark narrative lows). by Valentina Valentini…

5 years ago

All Hail The Queen

There never was (or will be) another artist like Aretha Franklin, as National Geographic Channel's third season of Genius makes…

5 years ago