Darren Aronofsky – Black Swan February 15, 2011Darren Aronofsky is a confirmed New Yorker. Born in Brooklyn to parents who were both teachers, he was trained as...
Davis Guggenheim – Waiting for Superman February 3, 2011If you think you know filmmaker Davis Guggenheim by his many episodic TV credits or iconic last name, you’ve missed...
Eve Stewart February 2, 2011A conversation with the Oscar®-nominated production designer of The King’s Speech...
ICG February 2011 February 1, 2011I AM NUMBER FOUR DP Guillermo Navarro, ASC, AMC By Kevin H. Martin HALL PASS DP Matthew F. Leonetti, ASC...
Higher Ground January 20, 2011Guild camera teams climb the steep and slippery slope of indie film success at Sundance 2011...
Finding Focus January 11, 2011NBC Universal’s specialty arm has been “loving on” indie filmmakers and audiences for nearly a decade. We go in search of...
ICG January 2011 January 3, 2011THE GREEN HORNET DP John Schwartzman, ASC By David Heuring THE FIGHTER DP Hoyte Van Hoytema, FSF, NSC By Ryan...
The Real Deal December 2, 2010Henri Cartier-Bresson, widely considered to be the father of modern photojournalism, once remarked that above all else he craved to...
Pas de Deux December 2, 2010Matthew Libatique, ASC, and Darren Aronofsky look into the mirror for the dark new dance thriller Black Swan...
ICG December 2010 December 2, 2010FEATURES BLACK SWAN DP Matthew Libatique By Pauline Rogers COUNTRY STRONG DP John Bailey, ASC By Margot Carmichael Lester DETROIT...