Mississippi Queen

14 years ago

Traversing racial and historical divisions on the Deep South location of The Help, shot by Stephen Goldblatt, ASC, BSC (more…)

ICG August 2011

14 years ago

THE PRODUCT GUIDE CAPTURE Fast Forward by Pauline Rogers SUPPORT Mission Possible by Pauline Rogers LIGHTING Green Day by Pauline…

Tunnel Vision

14 years ago

Why the world’s best water cameramen still shoot on film. If you’re a surfer or ocean lover, these cameramen are…

Summer Children

14 years ago

All but a few of the 650 seats at The Egyptian theater were filled during a May 10th American Cinematheque…

Cine Gear 2011

14 years ago

Hooked on a Feeling. By Pauline Rogers. Mother Nature smiled on the film industry this year. Instead of the heat…

ICG July 2011

14 years ago

THE INTERVIEW ISSUE Ellen Kuras, ASC Michael McDonough Tim Orr Roberto Schaefer, ASC, AIC Chris Cookson Guillermo del Toro David…

J.J. Abrams – Super 8

14 years ago

In the late 1970s, J.J. Abrams and his friend, Matt Reeves, were novice Super 8 filmmakers in Los Angeles when…

Mystery Train

14 years ago

Larry Fong reteams with boyhood pal, J.J. Abrams, to conjure a magical era of moviemaking in Super 8 (more…)

It’s a Phosphorous World

14 years ago

Matt Hurwitz goes in search of the color science of LED lighting (more…)

ICG June 2011

14 years ago

SUPER 8 DP Larry Fong By Matt Hurwitz GREEN LANTERN DP Dion Beebe, ASC, ACS By David Heuring TREME DP…