Local 600 President Steven Poster, ASC, outlines the Guild’s vision for the Holy Grail of Color Management systems at HPA…
Andrew Stanton was the lead writer of Pixar Animation Studios’ Toy Story trilogy, and he wrote and directed Finding Nemo…
MONSTER 3D GEAR GUIDE JOHN CARTER DP Dan Mindel, ASC, BSC by David Huering GAME, SET, MATCH! by Pauline Rogers…
Three generations of ECA winners headline Topanga Film Festival panel (more…)
Thirty years after his first visit, John Bailey, ASC returns to Alaska for the environmental drama Big Miracle (more…)
BIG MIRACLE DP John Bailey, ASC by Bob Fisher HOMELAND DP Nelson Cragg by Matt Hurwitz ASC AWARDS by Bob…
With this, his 22nd film festival, no one (save for founder Robert Redford) has been more intrinsically bound to Sundance…
Local 600 filmmakers scale indie film-land’s summit at Sundance 2012. By David Geffner. Additional Contributors: Wes Driver and Teresa Munoz.…
Chris Menges, ASC, BSC, unlocks the fragile secrets of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (more…)