42 DP Don Burgess, ASC by Matt Hurwitz GRIMM DP Marshall Adams, ASC by Pauline Rogers OBLIVION DP Claudio Miranda,…
ECA winners mingle with new indie directors at Technicolor event By Valentina I. Valentini Building a career as a cinematographer…
Life of Pi takes a huge slice of industry honors in our 2013 awards season wrap (more…)
Peter Deming, ASC soars over the native 3D rainbow for Oz: The Great and Powerful roughly ten years after the…
Wunderkind Sam Raimi began making Super-8 movies in his teens. Barely in his twenties, he wrote and directed The Evil…
OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL DP Peter Deming by Kevin H. Martin PHANTOM DP Byron Werner by Pauline Roger REVOLUTION…
BREAKING BAD DP Michael Slovis, ASC by Jon Silberg SAFE HAVEN DP Terry Stacey, ASC by Margot Carmichael Lester BEAUTIFUL…
Local 600 publicists get “linked in” for a special all-day workshop exploring the best of new virtual online tools (more…)
Sundance 2013 plays host to more than three-dozen Local 600 shot-films, showcasing the best of personalized, indie filmmaking (more…)