The Way She Haunts My Dreams

11 years ago

Hoyte van Hoytema, NSC, FSF, finds much more than ghosts inside the machine for the genre-busting love Story, Her (more…)

Spike Jonze – Her

11 years ago

Anyone who’s ever seen a Spike Jonze movie – Where the Wild Things Are, Adaptation, and Being John Malkovich among…

ICG December 2013

11 years ago

INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS DP Bruno Delbonnel, ASC, AFC by David Geffner AMERICAN HUSTLE DP Linus Sandgren, FSF by David Heuring…

Tangled Up In Blue

11 years ago

Bruno Delbonnel, ASC, AFC, gives voice to the Coen brothers’ chilly new folk saga, Inside Llewyn Davis (more…)

Lighting the Way

11 years ago

Family and friends remember Emmy® Award winning camera operator Bruce Balton (more…)

The Coen Brothers – Inside Llewyn Davis

11 years ago

It’s hard to believe it’s been 30 years since Blood Simple, the ferociously compelling debut from Joel and Ethan Coen,…

The Once and Future King

11 years ago

The crossroads of human rights thrives for a new generation in a riveting four-decades old indie documentary (more…)

ICG November 2013

11 years ago

NEBRASKA DP Phedon Papamichael, ASC by David Heuring THE WOLF OF WALL STREET DP Rodrigo Prieto, ASC, AMC by Ted…

Salt of the Earth

11 years ago

Phedon Papamichael, ASC takes viewers down the Hollywood road less traveled in the black and white road movie, Nebraska (more…)

Alexander Payne – Nebraska

11 years ago

Producer/director/writer Alexander Payne grew up in Omaha, Nebraska in a family of restaurateurs. He was fascinated by cameras at an…